Rocket League Placement Matches
Start a new season at a high rank and match with other competitive players of a similar skill level. Simply order Rocket League placement matches service from PlayHub and get an experienced player to complete the first ten matches for you.
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4.96 (619)
✅ Placement Matches ✅ Price for x1 Match ✅ Any Game Mode ✅
4.92 (216)
💜 Single Placement Match in any game mode 💜
4.9 (249)
⚡ Calibration ⚡Price for 1 match in any game mode ⚡
4.95 (214)
⭐💛 Placement Matches | Any Mode | Price For x1 Match ⭐💛
✅Placement Matches | Price For x1 Match✅
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