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World of Warcraft Mounts

Are you tired of making long and exhausting walks and runs when exploring the open world in World of Warcraft? You can buy WoW mounts at PlayHub and travel faster between locations for a less taxing journey.

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What WoW Mounts Are Worth Buying

There are over 900 mounts in World of Warcraft, belonging to different classes and characters. To arrive at your destination quicker, buy WoW mounts for sale. Some only allow you to walk and run on the ground, while others make traveling underwater more efficient.

It’s vital to consider various factors if you want to buy a WoW mount carry. The right steed should meet all your traveling needs and suit your criteria, such as flying or carrying passengers. You should also consider the various types, their limitations, and whether they offer any in-game advantages.

Types of Mounts

World of Warcraft divides mounts into different classes, including:

  • Ground: These are the default steeds you get when you first acquire enough Flight Points. You can walk or run with them on the ground but can’t use them during combat or indoors. When buying WoW mounts, know that using ground steeds in water will significantly slow you down, so it’s best first to alight.
  • Flying: These function like ground carries but with added flying functionality to make traveling quicker. If you dismount mid-air, you may fall to your death.
  • Underwater: You can only use this while submerged in water, and the second you come to the surface or get out of the water, you automatically alight.
  • Passenger: These allow you to carry more than one character when traveling. You can take a companion or party member with you to complete quests and interact with NPCs.
  • Faction/Class/Race: These mounts are specific to members of a particular faction, race, or class. Only characters belonging to that specific category can use them to travel.

What to Buy

You can purchase an endless list of rideable companions in World of Warcraft to make traveling less cumbersome on your poor character. However, this doesn’t mean you should splurge and buy any WoW mounts for money. Some are more valuable than others.

Here’s what you should consider purchasing:

  • Swift Zulian Tiger: This exclusive mount is only available on Black Market. It remains as the only way to get this mount in the retail version of WoW.
  • Mighty Caravan Brutosaur: This is another popular steed that players obtain from the BMAH, but you have to be extremely lucky. You can skip the process and purchase it.
  • Invincible: This is a rare steed you can only acquire after reaching level 20. It's one of the most treasured mounts in WoW, making it vital to obtain one.
  • Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent: Another unique steed that rarely drops. You can buy one to save yourself the complex grinding process of sourcing it from Nalak.
  • Crimson Deathcharger: This exotic steed has a 1% chance drop rate, so buy one to guarantee ownership. Remember that you can’t fly the Crimson Deathcharge, but only ride.
  • Sons of Galleon’s Saddle: You can buy this to skip the Valley of the Four Winds quest, where characters must kill Galleon.
  • A class, faction, or race-specific mount: You may want to get a rideable companion specific to your character's race, class, and faction. For instance, if you belong to Draenei, you can acquire a Brown or Purple Elekk.

Reasons to Buy WoW Mounts With Real Money

There are multiple ways to obtain cheap WoW mounts for your character, including drops from bosses and quest rewards. These methods are viable for obtaining a high-quality rideable companion, but they can be tedious and expensive. Your character must be skilled enough to take down top bosses, and you may have to go on endless quests to get a rare steed drop. 

A great alternative is to buy cheap WoW mounts using real cash. Purchasing World of Warcraft mounts with real cash offers players numerous advantages. These include:

  • Cost-effective: Third-party sellers like PlayHub offer some of the lowest prices on steeds, ensuring you get one within your budget.
  • Eliminates the grinding hassle: You can skip the tedious and exhausting mount farming process by purchasing one from a trusted seller.
  • Access to rare drops: If you buy WoW mounts with real money, you can instantly access steeds that rarely drop. This ensures you own exotic mounts in your inventory.
  • Fast and convenient: Instead of spending countless hours completing quests for steeds, you can quickly obtain one through purchase.

Best Place to Buy WoW Mounts

If you want a WoW mount boost service but don’t know where to start, look no further than PlayHub. We are a credible marketplace offering a wide range of World of Warcraft mount carries for sale. From the rare Solar Spirehawk to the Silent Glider, you can find steeds of all types and classes in our collection.

PlayHub takes customer security seriously, which is why we only accept verified sellers on our platform. We ensure you receive the exact goods you ordered and secure your payment until you confirm the delivery. 

If you don’t know where to buy WoW mounts safely, get in touch with PlayHub. We can help you securely source gaming assets to suit your budget and needs. 

Benefits of PlayHub

  • Cheap prices on all mounts, including rare and exotic drops.
  • A secure platform to conduct gaming transactions.
  • Real-time order progress tracking.
  • Full, on-time, and as-described delivery.
  • Access to seller delivery information.


How to buy WoW mounts?

You can purchase World of Warcraft mounts at PlayHub for as little as $10. Simply register on our platform and browse through the available orders to find one that matches your needs.

Where is the best place to buy mounts in WoW?

You should source your WoW mounts from trusted and credible sellers like PlayHub. We offer cheap prices on all mounts and use secure payment methods to protect you from fraudsters.

What are the most popular mounts in WoW?

The most popular mounts in World of Warcraft consist of rare drops like Invincible, Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent, Crimson Deathcharger, Riding Turtle, Swift Razzashi Raptor, and Great Greystuck.